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Mickey Plus package for the normal sleeper
- Alles uit Mickey Lite pakket
- + 1 extra sensor brief
- + Baas drinkbeker
- bestelling binnen 2 werkdagen in huis
- gratis verzending binnen NL boven €50
- deskundig advies via onze helpdesk
- specialist tegen bedplassen en incontinentie sinds 1954
Mickey bedwetting alarm set with 3 sensor pants and expert guidance
Your child can get started right away with this set! The package contains everything needed to tackle bedwetting seriously and successfully:
- Mickey wireless bedwetting alarm
- A set of 3 sensor pants
- Incentive scorecards with stickers
- Expert and personal guidance
- Informative booklet Miss Sas and the Plasklas
- I become the boss of my bladder drinking cup
- The package will be sent to you free of charge
The Mickey is a wireless bedwetting alarm with 5 different alarm signals and the volume can easily be adjusted in height. But above all, this bedwetting alarm is distinguished by its very child-friendly design.
The Mickey is demonstrated in detail in the video below.
Includes: Set of 3 sensor pants (pee pants)
The sensor underpants, handmade in Portugal, feel and look like normal underpants, but are equipped with special sensor threads. These sensor wires "monitor" a large area to quickly detect urine loss. This is an important advantage, because the faster the alarm goes off with the first drops of urine, the better it is. The bladder is still full and the brain is then more likely to make the connection between the feeling of a full bladder and waking up.
Since boys and girls are built differently, we have special sensor pants for boys (boxers) and girls (hipsters). There is a choice of 3 different colors per gender.
This package contains 3 sensor pants. An extra pair of pants can be useful if your child urinates several times a night. Or to make it a little easier for yourself, always have enough dry, clean sensor pants available in the evening.
Includes: Incentive scorecards and stickers
The bedwetting alarm comes with stimulating score cards. The results of the previous night can be recorded on this daily. In this way points can be earned and a corresponding sticker can be placed every day. We hear from many parents that this has been very stimulating for their child.
Includes: Personal and expert guidance
The bedwetting alarm itself is not a panacea, but part of a training course to get rid of bedwetting. The bedwetting alarm training. Scientific research shows that expert guidance during bedwetting alarm training leads to much better results. We have been offering this guidance since 1954 with enormous success. Progress is made quickly, which keeps motivation high. This means the chance of success is highest.
Urifoon customers can make free use of our experienced professional and personal guidance, which consists of:
- Emails throughout the training. You will receive most emails at the beginning of the training. This period is the most important, because your child must quickly learn to wake up immediately from the alarm. Only then does the training begin.
We know better than anyone what the most common situations and bumps can be at different times during training. The timing of our advice in these emails is tailored to this. We therefore recommend that you read these emails carefully and apply them where necessary. It has made the difference between successful or unsuccessful training for many children. - Your child is unique and deserves personal guidance if necessary. That is why you can always call to discuss the progress of your child's training with one of our experienced experts. It will help enormously if we receive a copy of the scorecard you completed in advance. This way we can provide very specific advice on what is best for your child to ensure that the training runs as smoothly as possible.
- We can be reached during office hours on telephone number 0297 760 001, but you can also send an email to info@urifoon.nl.
We will help you throughout the training and until your child is potty trained. Of course, this also applies in the event of a relapse.
If at any time we receive a message that the training has been successful, we will send your child a cheerful surprise to complete the process festively.
Is expert guidance important during bedwetting alarm training?
Yes! Scientific research shows that the success rate of bedwetting alarm training is much higher when it is expertly supervised. This was measured during the training and one year after the training. Your child will become toilet trained faster with good guidance.
This is logical, because bedwetters simply wake up more difficult than their peers who do not wet the bed. They have a higher wake-up threshold, which means that their wake-up reflex must be developed extra well. Otherwise, your child would wake up more quickly from a wet bed or a leaked diaper.
Without expert guidance, there is a good chance that your child will not respond quickly to the alarm and will therefore make little progress when using the bedwetting alarm. Motivation decreases and the temptation to stop too quickly becomes too great. An experience richer and an illusion poorer.
We also dare to say that 99% of negative experiences with a bedwetting alarm were not properly supervised or the wrong bedwetting alarm was used that did not always give an immediate alarm with the first drops of urine. Fortunately, this is all well arranged at Urifoon, which means the chance of success is the highest.
Practical examples where guidance is important
Your child is training with the bedwetting alarm when every alarm wakes him up immediately to go to the toilet. Then the fastest progress is made. But what do you do if this doesn't happen?
If you recognize your child in one of the following situations, it is extra important to receive good guidance with the bedwetting alarm training:
- Your child does not wake up (quickly) from a normal alarm clock or noise in the room.
- Your child wets the bed at least twice every night. As a result, the alarm goes off just as often during training and this is no longer sustainable for your child (and yourself) after a number of weeks.
- If you wake your child to go pee just as you are going to bed, he or she will seem awake, but in the morning he or she will not remember anything. Urination therefore takes place in his or her subconscious.
Without expert guidance, turn up the volume of the alarm or move the sound closer to your child's ear. You forbid drinking from a certain time or whatever. But these are not the solutions.
Our expert helpdesk has been supervising the training since 1954 and knows how to avoid or overcome the most difficult bumps with targeted advice. This has made a difference for many children, resulting in successful completion of the bedwetting alarm training. Your child wakes up quickly from the alarm, is aware of what is happening and makes rapid progress. Motivation remains high and the chance of success is greatest.
The result of our personal guidance
Since 1954, we have had daily contact with many parents and children during training. We know what we are talking about and what we can promise you as a result of the training. Isn't there a physical reason that it causes bedwetting? Are people seriously training with the bedwetting alarm? Then more than 90% will be toilet trained within 6 to 10 weeks!
We also hear and read success stories that the training was completed in a few weeks. Some say even after a few days. But the bedwetting alarm is not a panacea. It is an aid to training and each child goes through this training at his or her own pace. Compare it to learning to walk, swim or cycle. Keep in mind that the training lasts 3 months, so in practice it is usually not too bad.
This professional and personal guidance is free of charge for customers registered with us. All other users of a bedwetting alarm can receive this guidance by calling 0900-bedwetting (= 0900-2337527736, 60 cents per minute) or ordering it for € 29.95.
Including: I become the boss of my bladder drinking cup
Drinking enough and timely during the day is important during bedwetting alarm training. To support this, you will receive a cool drinking cup for free. Handy for home, school and playing outside.
Includes: Free delivery to your home address
We will send the ordered bedwetting alarm to you free of charge no later than the next working day. If you give us a call, we can often arrange this the same working day.